In look for a music tutor?

Start learning a new instrument today with the best online tutors!


83 Tutors


76 Tutors


64 Tutors


92 Tutors


13 Tutors


48 Tutors


39 Tutors


12 Tutors

How it all works

From finding your ideal tutor to starting your lessons, we make the process easy and personalized.


Find the perfect tutor

Discover a tutor who understands your goals, adapts to your learning style, and helps you succeed.


Contact your tutor

Get in touch with your tutor directly to arrange lessons, ask questions, and set your learning path.


Start your journey

Begin your learning adventure today. With the right guidance and support, every lesson brings you closer to your potential.

Peer Tutors

Learn from a community of peers who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and helping you succeed. Our tutors offer unique insights and support, empowering you on your learning journey.

Verified Profiles

Feel confident in your learning experience with verified peer profiles. We ensure that each tutor meets our standards, so you can connect with trusted, reliable learners.

Personalized Learning Experience

Experience tailored lessons with peers who adapt to your needs, whether you’re working on specific goals or exploring new subjects

Affordable Prices​

Enjoy unlimited tutors at an affordable price. Our subscription plans give you access to a wide range of tutors, offering great value for your educational journey.

Why us

Learn a new instrument online, at home or mixed!

Unlock Your Potential

Learning is an ongoing journey, and with peer-driven support, you’re always moving forward. Dive into topics that excite you and let your curiosity lead the way.

Collaborative Learning Experience

Connect, share, and grow together. Our peer network offers diverse perspectives, giving you the opportunity to learn from others while contributing to a thriving community.

On Your Terms, Anytime

Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, learning has no schedule here. Tap into a world of knowledge whenever it suits you, wherever you are—no restrictions, just possibilities.

About us

“ We prepare you to achieve your goals with our tutors. „

Whether you’re mastering a new skill or enhancing your knowledge, our community of expert tutors is here to guide you every step of the way. Your success is our mission, and we provide the tools and support to help you excel.

Start learning a new instrument today!